Kay lives here

working with the web

January 31, 2005
by Kay

Exciting Job Descriptions

I’m fortunate to have an interesting-sounding job description. It changes all the time, actually. Sometimes I rearrange it too. Senior Developer is the main one… but depending on who I’m emailing, I add in Search Optimisation, QA Leader, Maintenance Coordinator, … Continue reading

January 15, 2005
by Kay

Deliciously In Love

I’ve been playing with del.icio.us and I have to say I’m hooked. The nosy parker in me is revealed: I just love to know what other people are looking at. I used the tag “blogthis” and was thrilled to discover … Continue reading

January 15, 2005
by Kay

Off to MXDU!

Yay, booked my ticket to MXDU! There won’t be as large a Perth contingent as there has been the last two years, but it’ll still be great. Lots of cool stuff going on. Some interesting topics on the agenda – … Continue reading

December 25, 2004
by Kay

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone who celebrates it out there in blog land had a wonderful Christmas, or depending on timezone/tradition, is having or is about to have a wonderful Christmas. We had our big Christmas Eve dinner last … Continue reading

December 15, 2004
by Kay


Yep, after months – nay, years – of procrastination, I finally went and did my CFMX Certification exam. I got 91%, which means I get Advanced status. Woo-hoo! There’s a whole stack of bad jokes about being certifiable that I … Continue reading

December 5, 2004
by Kay

New Irritating Advertising

I clicked through to an article on SeoChat.com called Is the Reciprocal Link Dying a Slow Death? After yet another wave of link request spam this morning (including several for “Christian-oriented web hosting”, which proves they haven’t actually ever read … Continue reading