AWIA has run a number of “Ideas” seminars in Perth over the past few years – well, four others to be exact. Each time we’ve brought speakers from interstate and overseas to share their wisdom on various topics deserving of … Continue reading
Category Archives: Accessibility

October 5, 2008
by Kay
Text sizing and accessibility
I was at Jeff Croft’s session on Elegant Web Typography at Web Directions South when he talked about font sizing. He unwittingly caused a bit of a silent outcry, sending the Twitter back channel crazy, when he mentioned that he … Continue reading
Web standards for developers – presentation recording now available
A few weeks ago I had the privilege of presenting (virtually) to the New Zealand ColdFusion User Group on CSS and web standards. David Harris runs the meetings with both physical attendees in Auckland and virtual attendees through Adobe Connect. … Continue reading
Workshop with Derek Featherstone: Accessibility 2.0
My Web Directions 2006 experience started on Thursday with a workshop: Accessibility 2.0 with the inimitable Derek Featherstone. Derek used to be a high school teacher and I think he must have been a good one – he holds the … Continue reading
Nick Cowie on Accessible Forms
I was thinking of asking Nick to do a little interview about his upcoming Web Standards Group presentation… …but he’s posted up such a good overview on his own blog that I’ll just point everyone over there: Accessible forms and … Continue reading
Refresh06 Web Standards Conference
There’s a very cool thing going on in some cities in the US that seems to be a lot like Port80 and the Web Standards Group combined. Refreshing Cities says that: Refresh is a community of designers and developers working … Continue reading

October 13, 2005
by Kay
Preaching to the choir
It struck me that having web standards group meetings is all very well, but really, you are preaching to the converted. Web standards group people are there because they believe in standards and want to learn as much as possible … Continue reading
Accessibility and Geekiness
Last night, I was sitting back on the couch watching TV in the dark with two sleeping kittens on my lap – exhausted after a rousing hour or so of devouring boiled chicken then running around the couch jumping on … Continue reading