Kay lives here

working with the web

April 23, 2005
by Kay

8 Days of Hell

Last Friday week our ISDN stopped working. No phone, no modem, therefore no internet. Today we have it back – 10 fault report phone calls, 8 agonising days, 3 Telstra technicians, and one massive mobile phone bill later. The problem … Continue reading

April 23, 2005
by Kay

OMG, Internet Explorer 7

No, a beta hasn’t been released just yet, but there’s an interesting post over at the IE Blog. It’s possible that when the IE team said they were listening to developers, they weren’t joking. Essentially the post says that Beta … Continue reading

April 11, 2005
by Kay

Fun with Urchin

After looking at the alternatives and weighing up the options, we finally decided to go with Urchin (version 5, the standalone edition) for web site statistics at work. I’ve been setting up some of our clients over the last couple … Continue reading