Perth has a long and well-established “Port80” tradition that is by now known around the country (well, in the web industry anyway). The monthly informal pub get-togethers, which have been going since 2002, have been the birthplace of great ideas like the Australian Web Industry Association and … Continue reading
Author Archives: Kay

August 28, 2007
by Kay
Web Directions 2007: the meme
The programme for Web Directions 2007 has been released, and there’s certainly going to be some hard decisions on what to go see. With three streams this year, there’s even more that I will sadly have to miss, seeing as … Continue reading

August 20, 2007
by Kay
1 comment
The first podcamp Australia will be in Perth
So, after lots of bitching, speculation, and god knows what else, the podcamp Australia people have announced that the first event will be held in Perth, in October 2007. Apparently, Perth got more votes than the rest of Australia combined. … Continue reading

July 30, 2007
by Kay
CFUGWA hosting ColdFusion 8 Launch Extravaganza
The big announcement today: ColdFusion 8 has been released! To celebrate, the ColdFusion User Group of WA is holding a trade-show style launch event. We’ll be watching a special presentation by ColdFusion guru Ben Forta and listening to some local developers explain … Continue reading

July 30, 2007
by Kay
Podcamp Australia?
It was shortly after the hugely successful Perth BarCamp that someone noticed This appeared to be an attempt to start a similar style of unconference event in Australia. Being the happy and enthusiastic crowd we are here in Perth … Continue reading

July 27, 2007
by Kay
1 comment
More kudos for ColdFusion/Fusebox site
I know, I’m going on about it again! The UWA Perth International Arts Festival site, which is a finalist in the 2007 WA Web Awards, is also in the running for a PerthNow reader voted award. PerthNow, the Web Award’s principal … Continue reading

July 23, 2007
by Kay
Announcing: WebJam comes to Perth
Myles, the Australian Web Industry Association’s “events guy”, has been in secret talks with the Sydney WebJam people. The fruits of that discussion are that we are excited to announce: WebJam Perth! When: Wednesday August 15, 2007 from 6pm Where: The Velvet Lounge, … Continue reading

July 17, 2007
by Kay
Awards Abound
The finalists for the 3rd annual WA Web Awards have been announced, and our favourite ColdFusion/Fusebox 4 site, the Perth International Arts Festival, is short-listed in the non-profit category. Readers of this blog may recall this site was also a nominee … Continue reading