D. Keith Robinson talks about web standards blindness, and asks what suggestions people have for sending the web standards outside of the switched-on audience. I have a few ideas – and in fact most of them are things that I’m … Continue reading
Month: April 2005
CFCalendar and XML CFFORM – It’s Alive!
People, listen up: Mike Nimer rocks! The other day I was whining in my usual fashion about XML CFForm, which is awesome, and CFCalendar, which is also awesome, and the fact that they don’t work together, which is most definitely … Continue reading
User Groups Around the World
In the April edition of the ColdFusion Developer’s Journal, there’s a map of ColdFusion User Groups in the US and around the world. Surprisingly, of the 21 listed user groups outside of the US, five of them (nearly a quarter) … Continue reading
8 Days of Hell
Last Friday week our ISDN stopped working. No phone, no modem, therefore no internet. Today we have it back – 10 fault report phone calls, 8 agonising days, 3 Telstra technicians, and one massive mobile phone bill later. The problem … Continue reading
OMG, Internet Explorer 7
No, a beta hasn’t been released just yet, but there’s an interesting post over at the IE Blog. It’s possible that when the IE team said they were listening to developers, they weren’t joking. Essentially the post says that Beta … Continue reading
XML CFFORM: The Madness
I swear, every time I find something about ColdFusion MX 7 to fall in love with, I get slapped across the face two minutes later. Really! This time it was XML CFFORMs. After I realized Flash CFFORM wasn’t going to … Continue reading
Fun with Urchin
After looking at the alternatives and weighing up the options, we finally decided to go with Urchin (version 5, the standalone edition) for web site statistics at work. I’ve been setting up some of our clients over the last couple … Continue reading
So Many Projects
This blog has been kind of quiet of late… not many posts at all. That’s because I’ve been busy. I have a whole stack of really exciting projects but unfortunately none of them are ready to be shown yet. I … Continue reading