Kay lives here

working with the web

July 5, 2004
by Kay

Validator to RSS in CF

This is way cool: Ben Hammersley’s XHTML Validator to RSS tool. Here’s how it works – the W3C HTML Validator will actually return results in XML. Ben’s Perl script (source code provided) returns the results as an RSS feed if … Continue reading

June 3, 2004
by Kay

Developer Crumbs

My guy Dave has many side projects. Well, I have many side projects too… I guess we all do. Anyway, Dave’s biggest side project over the last couple of years has been DVD Collector, a freeware program for, funnily enough, … Continue reading

May 30, 2004
by Kay

Tables vs CSS

There’s been a lot of discussion and hot air in the blogosphere the last couple of weeks on the issue of table-based layouts vs css layouts. I think Andy Budd started it with his Objective Look at Table Based vs … Continue reading

May 21, 2004
by Kay

Web Essentials 04

Be inspired by the world’s leading web standards gurus. How’s that for an opening sentence? It’s from the Web Essentials 04 conference, announced on the Web Standards Group mailing list yesterday. Yes folks, Dave Shea, Douglas Bowman and Joe Clark, … Continue reading