Kay lives here

working with the web

August 17, 2005
by Kay

Web Essentials

Lucky Kay gets to go to Web Essentials in Sydney in September, and I’m pretty goddamn excited! I’ve been raving about it over on my standards blog which is where it really belongs, but I thought it was interesting to … Continue reading

August 17, 2005
by Kay

Two sleeps to go

… until the WA Web Awards presentation evening, and I’m not stressed out at all, honest! Well, maybe just a little bit. The finalists were announced on Monday, and three of PerthWeb’s entries were included – we’re pretty excited! Elizabeth’s … Continue reading

August 10, 2005
by Kay

Where’s Kay?

I did a bad thing… I let the “no posts in the last 20 days” message sit on the home page for longer than a week. Very slack of me. So, like all errant bloggers, I will now plead my … Continue reading