Kay lives here

working with the web

October 12, 2005
by Kay


Just got back from the ColdFusion User Group WA meeting. This month, we had a real, honest-to-goodness speaker – John Rangi from Industry & Resources here in Perth gave a talk on XPath and demo’d some tools for us. It … Continue reading

October 10, 2005
by Kay


So, the mighty Google has yet another beta product/service – an RSS reader, called Google Reader, somewhat predictably. Looks alright I guess – but for me it can’t get close to the FeedDemon/Newsgator Online/Newsgator for Outlook combination that I use … Continue reading

October 8, 2005
by Kay

DRK Rant

So… I hear on CFTalk that Macromedia have a new Developers Resource Kit (DRK) in the works. The news comes not from an official macromedia.com address, but from ColdFusion Jedi Master Ray Camden which is good enough for me. Hmm… … Continue reading