Kay lives here

working with the web

November 30, 2004
by Kay

Web Women Christmas Drinks

Web Women are breaking the Wednesday tradition for Christmas drinks this Friday: When: Friday 3rd Dec, from 5pm Where: Carnegies Bar & Restaurant 356 Murray St (cnr King St) Perth This is a great opportunity to come down and say … Continue reading

November 27, 2004
by Kay

Runs In The Family

My brother now has a blog. It seems that geekiness runs in my family. He’s more of a geek than me, though… no, really! The Linux references give him away – and the link to Slashdot, hmm (that link hover … Continue reading

November 25, 2004
by Kay

Views Are Cool

SQL Views are way cool. It’s not that I didn’t know what they were or how they worked. I just never actually saw a need to implement one until this week. But now I have, and I’ve realised they’re even … Continue reading

November 16, 2004
by Kay

Setting Up Dreamweaver MX 2004

I’m a software tweaker, I admit it. I like digging in options dialogs – in many applications they’re chock full of extra functionality and cool time-saving techniques. Dreamweaver MX 2004’s Preferences dialog is no exception – it hides heaps of … Continue reading

November 15, 2004
by Kay

Rule Number One

Never write in your blog that you’re going to do something, in case you don’t get around to finishing it. In this case, self-inflicted peer pressure had no effect. I did not update my site layout and add new features … Continue reading

October 30, 2004
by Kay

Today’s the day

Ouch. In a rare (yeah right!) moment of clutziness, I dropped a heavy bowl on my knee last night. The sequence of events might have been that I dropped the bowl and tried to catch it with my knee, but … Continue reading