So, I just got back from Web Directions South, and it was AMAZING. The people, the atmosphere, the speakers… unfortunately it was over far too quickly.
The WDS07 podcasts are now available so if you didn’t go, you can get a taste of what you missed out on. Or if you did go, you can catch up on the sessions that you couldn’t attend. I heartily recommend Mark Pesce’s closing keynote “Mob Rules” – appropriately categorised as “vision” – it was inspirational.
So now it’s back to reality. Not for the tireless John and Maxine however – while the rest of us were settling back into our normal routines, they were busy putting together the final details for Web Directions North 08, to be held in Vancouver at the end of January.
Looking at the speaker list, I’m jealous (I’m pretty sure my conference budget does not extend to Canadian adventures). But I guess we can’t have all the good stuff down here in Australia only.
I’ve added a button to link to the sidebar here – if you purchase your ticket to WDN through there, I go into the draw for a chance to win my accommodation and airfares as well as a ticket to the conference. So what are you waiting for? Get me there already :)