This post originally appeared on the now-defunct ‘Zombiecoder Kay’ blog.
It’s been a bit quiet around here lately, but I hope to fix that in the new year.
Here’s to a very merry Christmas (or other seasonal holiday if you celebrate something different) and a fantastic, standards-compliant, accessible and usable new year.
Drew McLellan’s 24 Ways – the web standards advent calendar – is back for 2006 with some great tips to impress your friends. It’s already up to day 22, with some great articles by Derek Featherstone, Andy Budd, John Allsopp, Jeremy Keith and other web superstars.
And if you need some last-minute Christmas bling on your blog, web site, email newsletter or anything else, check out these FREE Christmas icons from Clever Icons, a new stock icon site we’ve launched. Created by celebrity icon designer Anton, the Creative Starfish of the Clever Starfish team.
Happy Holidays everyone!
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