I was planning to lay low on the conference circuit this year – our business is expanding like a runaway train (what global financial crisis?) and I need to focus all my attention on keeping it on the rails. But, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: cfobjective_anz

September 7, 2009
by Kay
1 comment
cf.Objective(ANZ) conference – Registrations open!
Organising something like a ColdFusion conference is always going to be fraught with unexpected difficulties – but even more so when it’s being organised across four countries in four separate timezones. This has been the case with cfObjective(ANZ), the first … Continue reading
cf.Objective(ANZ) wants to hear from you…
The call for speakers is now on – and the cf.Objective(ANZ) team want to hear not only from potential speakers, but from everyone who is thinking of attending – what (or who) would you like to see? What topics are … Continue reading