Kay lives here

working with the web

November 17, 2005
by Kay

Port 80 coming to Canberra

Port 80, the Australian Web Industry Association started in Perth, is coming to Canberra! Anyone involved in the web or related industries is welcome to come along for an informal get-together, to chat about the web, bitch about clients, make … Continue reading

November 15, 2005
by Kay

Being professional

Andy Clarke has come out and said what many of us wish we could, but don’t. Via Molly’s Web Standards and The New Professionalism Those people still delivering nested table layout, spacer gifs or ignoring accessibility can no longer call … Continue reading

October 22, 2005
by Kay

I love Fusedocs

It’s Festival time again… in two weeks, the 2006 Perth International Arts Festival web site will be launched. So right now we’re making (mostly minor) modifications to the system and finishing off the new functionality. And madly trying to finish … Continue reading

October 22, 2005
by Kay

Tech Women and Macs

But not necessarily together, as you might assume from the title! An interesting observation from Rob Rohan on the Macromedia MAX conference held last week: There are women at the conference. Almost every developer conference I’ve ever been to has … Continue reading