Kay lives here

working with the web

July 5, 2004
by Kay

Validator to RSS in CF

This is way cool: Ben Hammersley’s XHTML Validator to RSS tool. Here’s how it works – the W3C HTML Validator will actually return results in XML. Ben’s Perl script (source code provided) returns the results as an RSS feed if … Continue reading

July 4, 2004
by Kay

Laptop battery life

How to prolong lithium-based batteries This is the most useful article I’ve read in ages. The whole Battery University site is great, but this page in particular is pure gold. Dave’s laptop battery is fried… just over a year old, … Continue reading

July 1, 2004
by Kay

Sorry, more Gmail stuff

Neowin reports that Google have changed the Gmail Terms of Service to prohibit selling or trading invites. It was only a matter of time… It’s pretty obvious by now that the number of Gmail invites you get depends on how … Continue reading

June 28, 2004
by Kay

What’s so great about Gmail?

I’ve been quiet lately – been busy. And have some cool new Playstation games. And, the roof’s going on our house. And, someone sent me a Gmail invite (thanks again, Mark!). Asterisk is asking, “What’s the Big Deal with Gmail?”. … Continue reading