Kay lives here

working with the web

August 22, 2004
by Kay

Getting Organised

Wow, what a week. We’ve been totally crazy-busy at work. Everyone wants their web site NOW. It’s like Barry and Scott commented on my Dilbert/quality/design post the other day… finding the time to do things properly is really, really hard. … Continue reading

August 15, 2004
by Kay

Web Standards Defined

John Dowdell applauds Russ Weakley for attempting to define the term “web standards”. Russ says that “a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly.” I would like to point to … Continue reading

August 1, 2004
by Kay

Dave is famous

OK, so I looked at my blog today and it politely informed me “No articles have been posted within the last 20 days”. Oops! I’ve been slack… better post something. So here’s news… a guy from the Melbourne Age newspaper … Continue reading

July 11, 2004
by Kay

Women Developers

Dave Shea and some other people have raised the topic “where are all the women in css design”? He lists the major blogs discussing the issue so I won’t bother listing them here again. Basically, they seem to be out … Continue reading