I’m whined before about the dearth of female developers in Perth. I was talking about this with Port 80 regular Megyn, so with her strangely demonic energy (I have no idea where else she could get it from!) she organised a monthly lunch get-together for all the chicks we could think of to invite.
Dubbed “Web Women Wednesday” (with slightly suspect grammar, I think), the first one was held last Wednesday. Six of us got together for lunch and geek chat at the Country Road cafe in Perth.
It was a lot of fun – and in a strange twist of a synchronicity, the six attendees each independently ordered the same meal as the person sitting opposite her. Freaky! The first meeting attendees were Megyn, Nat from Papercut, Tania from Masterpeace, Kim from the Dept of Premier and Cabinet, Andrea from APIIX and of course myself. A good mix of designers, coders and in-betweeners.
I know there’s more of us out there, so next month will be a breakfast meeting in an effort to blend in with other schedules. So if you’re female, in Perth, are web-involved and I don’t know you, why is that? Come down and join a sensible geeky discussion!