Putting on a Port80 get-together the night before Web Directions South in Sydney has become somewhat of a tradition for the Perth Port80 regulars. 2008 is no exception – this time we’re congregating at the Harlequin Inn, which Simon Wright (pictured above, to the extreme right, at a Perth Port80 meeting a few years back) assures us is a very nice venue, walking distance from the conference venue and general location where most people will be staying (see map).
There’s going to be a bar tab – I’m putting some money on the bar on behalf of Clever Starfish and Gary Barber (aka the Man With No Blog) from Radharc will be doing the same. If anyone else wants to help keep the drinks flowing, please contact Miles Burke (pictured above, extreme left).
For anyone who hasn’t been before, all are welcome and it’s a very informal sit-around-and-chat-type deal for web geeks. You don’t have to RSVP, just turn up and introduce yourself! Port80 meetings have been held monthly in Perth since 2002 and with slightly less rigorous regularity in several other states of Australia.
So if you’re a Sydney local or a Web Directions South attendee, hope to see you there! And for the sake of completeness, the dude pictured above centre, enjoying a frosty beverage, is Myles Eftos, AWIA’s “Events Guy”.
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