Image by Gary Barber – and yes, that’s me :)
Marvellous Maxine has posted the session times for Web Directions South 2008. Good news and bad (for me, anyway) – my session Starting and Running a Successful Web Business is on the first morning, at the same time as both Canadian Iron Accessibility Man Derek Featherstone and the awesome Dmitry Baranovsky.
That’s good news because my speaking stint is over and done with on the first morning and after that I can relax, and as The Man With No Blog pointed out on Twitter, I can have a drink or two on the first night (not that I’d do anything like that, of course) whereas fellow Perthite Myles Eftos has to chill out until the afternoon of the second day, when his Web APIs, Oauth and OpenID session is on. Also good because against competition like that, no one will turn up to my session!
Bad news in that I’ll miss seeing both Derek and Dmitry – it would have been a hard decision to decide between them already. Dmitry’s Advanced JavaScript session at WebDU was a highlight of that conference, and I’ve seen Derek speak before, several times in fact, so I know he’s always great! Fortunately Derek will be delivering the opening keynote at the Edge of the Web conference in Perth in November, so I guess I’ll save all my fan girl giggling for then.
As Maxine has pointed out, all the sessions are recorded anyway, so no one has to really miss out on anything.
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