Kay lives here

working with the web

October 13, 2004
by Kay

Why I Validate

“Can a site claim to be web-standards-compliant if it doesn’t validate” seems to be the question of the moment. I think so, if it was built in the “spirit” of web standards. The real world intervenes, third party components and … Continue reading

September 12, 2004
by Kay

New Fusebox Forum App

The inimitable Aussie Lee Borkman has created a forum application ala Joel0nSoftware (which, by the way, is an absolute must-read – great stuff). It’s written in ColdFusion, in Fusebox 4 (although due to hosting constraints, a temporary Fusebox 3 version … Continue reading

August 15, 2004
by Kay

Web Standards Defined

John Dowdell applauds Russ Weakley for attempting to define the term “web standards”. Russ says that “a site built to web standards should ideally be lean, clean, CSS-based, accessible, usable and search engine friendly.” I would like to point to … Continue reading