Kay lives here

working with the web

February 22, 2005
by Kay


There didn’t seem to be a lot of “as it happens” blogging going on at MXDU this year. Maybe because of all the focus on Blackstone, which people have mostly seen now that it’s officially “out”. Anyway, I was gonna, … Continue reading

February 7, 2005
by Kay

CFMX 7 Released

It’s here. One slightly sad part is that the standard edition doesn’t support event gateways. I was really looking forward to playing with that, but seeing as all the sites I work on deploy to CFMX Standard looks like I … Continue reading

December 15, 2004
by Kay


Yep, after months – nay, years – of procrastination, I finally went and did my CFMX Certification exam. I got 91%, which means I get Advanced status. Woo-hoo! There’s a whole stack of bad jokes about being certifiable that I … Continue reading

November 25, 2004
by Kay

Views Are Cool

SQL Views are way cool. It’s not that I didn’t know what they were or how they worked. I just never actually saw a need to implement one until this week. But now I have, and I’ve realised they’re even … Continue reading