When people ask what the difference is between ColdFusion and other server-side scripting languages, I tend to say something along the lines of “it’s designed to make the simple tasks you do all the time really, really easy”. Things like … Continue reading
Author Archives: Kay

June 24, 2007
by Kay
Creating Derby embedded databases in ColdFusion 8
After reading about Derby, the open-source database engine from Apache included with ColdFusion 8, I got the idea that the embedded version would be a great tool for distributing sample applications, which often use Access databases or include a script … Continue reading

June 17, 2007
by Kay
ColdFusion 8 – what’s all the fuss about?
The answer to that question is, of course: a lot. There’s been much coverage elsewhere, and I have bookmarked a veritable ton of blog posts exploring this new feature and that new feature. It certainly sounds like the Adobe engineers … Continue reading

May 4, 2007
by Kay
Update on the cool HD-DVD t-shirts
Yesterday I posted about how a mate of mine was taking pre-orders for t-shirts with the HD-DVD decryption code rendered in hexadecimal colours. Super-geeky. I hear from Myles that the shirts are being printed and orders are now being taken … Continue reading

May 3, 2007
by Kay
Soon you can wear that special hex code
It’s the hex code that everyone is talking about – and soon, you’ll be able to wear it! Myles Eftos is creating the ultimate geeky tshirt. You can sign up to get a discount when they’re available.

April 28, 2007
by Kay
1 comment
Take the web workers survey!
A List Apart is calling for web developers to take a survey – because our funny little industry has been going for a few years now, but statistically, there’s not much known about us. So if you consider yourself a … Continue reading

April 25, 2007
by Kay
Missing in action: code mojo
The past few days have been very frustrating. The symptoms: my house is spotless, all laundry is done inboxes – both physical and virtual – are cleared tasks for the next three months are neatly scheduled feed reader is cleared … Continue reading
Festival site nominated for Webby Award
The Perth Festival web site is a nominee in the events category of the 11th Annual Webby Awards. The 2007 Perth International Arts Festival web site has been nominated for a Webby Award. As part of the awards programme, the … Continue reading