It’s been a long haul but next week – November 12 and 13 – is the cf.Objective(ANZ) conference in Melbourne, Australia.
Although I’ve only just recovered from the Edge of the Web conference here in Perth, next Wednesday morning I’ll be getting on the plane to Melbourne for three days of geek nirvana, CF style. We know it’s going to be huge because that almighty CF guru, Ben Forta, is making the journey too!
As is typical when geeks geographically converge, there will be a number of other events happening around the conference:
- In Sydney, there’s a CF User Group meeting and then drinks with Ben Forta and fellow CF evangelist Terry Ryan, starting at Adobe’s offices at 2pm before moving on to “a pub somewhere”. Check the CFAUSSIE mailing list for updates.
- The 11th of November in Melbourne will be the FarCry Dev Camp, at Melbourne Law School. Come along to this free event to learn about the future direction of the open source FarCry framework and CMS as well as in-depth technical sessions, case studies and “general developer tom-foolery”, according to FarCry’s benevolent dictator Geoff Bowers.
- Then of course there’s the conference itself. Tickets (and hotel rooms) are still available but you’d better get in quick. There’s a ton of great speakers, including but not limited to Andy Welsh on using social applications with CF, Kai Koenig on the PDF features in CF, Justin McLean on connecting hardware to CF, Kevin Roche on Fusebox Scaffolding, Dan Wilson on ModelGlue 3, Robin Hilliard on testing… plus Terry Ryan and Ben Forta, plus Australian Adobe staff Mark Szulc and Andrew Spauling and a whole stack of others. I’ll be presenting on doing damage with CFGRID, and my fellow West Australian Andrew Mercer will be talking about future proofing your application with some of the new light-weight frameworks.
The conference wouldn’t have happened without the support of some very special sponsors, so a big shout-out to platinum sponsor Adobe, gold sponsors RocketBoots and Daemon, Silver Sponsors Nova Host and Magic Industries, bronze sponsors Gruden and Railo, and supporters The Rohans and Ventego Creative.
Hope to see you there!