Image via Wikipedia
A couple of my Twitter contacts alerted me to this PledgeBank pledge by journalist and blogger Suw Charman-Anderson:
“I will publish a blog post on Tuesday 24th March about a woman in technology whom I admire but only if 1,000 other people will do the same.”
Well, being a woman in technology it’s hard not be interested by the topic, and of course Ada King, Countess of Lovelace is one historical character with a fair whack of geek cred. Being acknowledged as the first computer programmer in general makes also being the first woman in computing seem kind of insignificant in comparison – which is the way it should be. I also have a niece named in her honour.
So who’s with me? March 24 is a fair way away, so you’ve got plenty of time to think of a woman in technology who you admire. As one of the commenters on the PledgeBank page said, it’s going to be hard to pick just one!