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working with the web

WSG Perth podcasts now online

The podcasts and transcripts from the March 30 Web Standards Group meeting are now online – Alex Graham from Cadmium on Accessible Business Online and Nick Cowie on <button>: The Forgotten Element.

I’m really thrilled with how well they turned out, considering it was our first attempt. The speakers were great and while there’s some things we will do differently next time, on the whole the night was a success.

I’ll post some notes on the recording and transcribing process later, but for now just check out the content:

Accessible Business Online – Alex Graham
A brief introduction to accessibility and what it means to web developers and their clients in Australia

<button>: The Forgotten Element – Nick Cowie
The oft-forgotten button element and its role in accessible, cross-browser, stylish forms. I really urge everyone to check the examples out on this one, most people I’ve spoken to (myself included) either don’t even know the button element exists, or have no idea how cool it is.

These podcasts are also available from the WSG site, along with a whole stack of other cool presentation recordings.

We’re trying to keep Perth WSG meetings to a set format – two shorter presentations for each meeting, one on a business-related topic and one on a more technical aspect of web standards. There’s another meeting planned for mid-May. I will be posting details here as soon as the venue is confirmed so stay tuned for more exciting announcements…

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