Unbelievable but true – but a mere six months after the first effort (mind the sarcasm), Perth are having another Web Standards Group meeting. We may not be able to get speakers every single month, but Vicki and I are definitely doing our best to have something worth coming out for a little more often in 2006!
So what’s on the agenda? Firstly, Alexandra Graham from Cadmium will be presenting “Accessible Business Online” – relating some of her experiences building a web development business based on accessibility. Alex has received recognition for her work, including a “Site of the Month” award from GAWDS (Guild of Accessible Web Designers), so she really knows what she’s talking about. I’ve been hounding Alex to present for the Perth WSG for quite so time so I’m really looking forward to her session.
Keeping to our aim of having a business-related presentation and a technical presentation at each meeting, the second presentation will be Nick Cowie’s “<button>: The Forgotten Element”. Nick has spent some time (he would probably call it a really long time) researching accessible forms. In his “adventures” he re-discovered the button element, a useful form element that many web developers seem to be unaware of. Nick will be giving the low down on what this element can do to help build stylish and accessible forms, including of course cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility.
The meeting is being sponsored by Edith Cowan University’s School of Communications and Multimedia, who are providing us with a venue and nibblies. Many thanks are due to Arshad Omari and Joe Luca, and especially to Harry Leith who helped organise everything.
Event details
See the Web Standards Group web site for official details. If anything changes this is where it will be posted.
For those who’d like a summary, it’s at the tavern of ECU’s Mt Lawley campus (Building 12) on Thursday the 30th of March, 2006. Drinks and networking from 6pm. Presentations between 6.30pm and 7.30pm, then more drinks and networking for those who feel like sticking around and talking shop with like-minded web-heads.
Venue and parking information
Edith Cowan has downloadable campus maps (in PDF format) and also a quite impressive interactive campus map.
If you’re thinking of coming along, please let Vicki and I know by emailing perth@webstandardsgroup.org. Hope to see you there!
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