This blog has been kind of quiet of late… not many posts at all. That’s because I’ve been busy. I have a whole stack of really exciting projects but unfortunately none of them are ready to be shown yet. I can’t wait to talk about them – so I might just spill the beans a little.
First up is Triple S – Science for School Students – my favourite non-profit project and one I’ve been involved with since 1998. Seven years and several incarnations later, we’re launching a new design and a new format, driven by WordPress. It’s currently in the final stages of production.
Next up is Web Women – we’re going to launch a dedicated site, also WordPress-based, really, really soon. Why the rush? We want the site to be up in time for… wait for it…
The Port 80 WA Web Awards. Stand by for more announcements, but it’s gonna be huge and I can’t wait.
Finally, there’s the WA Web Standards Group meeting. I’ve been playing telephone ping-pong with some people about a venue, but hopefully that’ll all be resolved soon, and the date of the first meeting can be announced!
So there we are – busy busy busy. But this wouldn’t be the web industry if it weren’t for endless projects with impossible deadlines, would it?