Kay lives here

working with the web

April 10, 2005
by Kay

So Many Projects

This blog has been kind of quiet of late… not many posts at all. That’s because I’ve been busy. I have a whole stack of really exciting projects but unfortunately none of them are ready to be shown yet. I … Continue reading

April 6, 2005
by Kay

Finally Coding Again

Yay! After months of other work, I finally get to code some ColdFusion again. Woo-hoo! PerthWeb’s mega-uber-super Project Tracker is on track, so to speak. That’s right, the mythical product that has been “in planning” for about four years is … Continue reading

March 15, 2005
by Kay

Rock-It 2005

Lets do this in reverse, headliners first. I’ve gotta say first up, I’m not a massive Green Day fan. Last time I saw them (at the first Rock-It Festival in 2001) I thought they were good, but I wasn’t blown … Continue reading

March 11, 2005
by Kay

What’s in a name?

I get newsletter spam from Ziff-Davis in my Hotmail account, which is all it’s good for really. I got one this morning addressed to “Dear Variable Name”. I feel so special!

March 11, 2005
by Kay

March is a great month

Because it’s chock full of public holidays, at least for me. Last Monday was Labour Day in Western Australia, where we celebrate the standardization of the eight-hour working day by… having a day off. Makes perfect sense to me! Next … Continue reading