Yippee! I’m going to Web Essentials 05. I’m obviously excited about the lineup of international superstars, but I’m also excited because there’s a contingent of Perth people going along.
Web Essentials 05 – there’s a lot to be excited about. The list of international and Australian presenters reads almost like the who’s who of the web standards universe. Molly is my heroine – I’ve been reading her articles as long as I’ve been involved with the web, which is since, like, forever… Eric has forgotten more about CSS that the rest of the world will ever learn… I’ve just re-read Jeff Veen’s classic book The Art and Science of Web Design… the whole line-up is bloody fantastic.
That’s not all, however. It turns out there’s quite a few of my fellow West Aussies going along… At least five Port80 members (that I know of). We’re all staying at the Vulcan and will be having a special Port80 meeting (i.e. drinking session down the pub) to show those Sydney developers how it’s done. Can’t wait!
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