Way back at the end of August – it seems like a lifetime ago now, doesn’t it? – the awesome Lisa Herrod posted a photo of herself on Flickr tagged “I work on the web”, with a bit of an explanation of who she is, what she does, how she came to do it and why she loves it. Lisa encouraged some others to do the same and before long, there were a whole stack of web workers from around the globe who had posted their own I work on the web profiles. Lachlan Hardy and Toolman Tim Lucas made a clever web site to capture submissions that were machine tagged. At the time of writing, there are 70 profiles on the site, and it makes for fascinating reading.
So, I think it’s too good a meme to let languish, and I know there are many, many, many more people who work on the web who haven’t been reached – like most of you who are reading this from MXNA or Fullasagoog! So while we’re all recovering from holiday over-indulgence, why not contribute? Snap a photo, write some words about yourself and how you came to work on the web, post it to Flickr, and tag it with the machine tag “iworkontheweb:name=My Name” (don’t forget to include the double quotes). After a few minutes, through the magic of APIs, your profile should appear on the site.
Go on, you know you want to!
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